Our skills
(challenging penalties and fines, administrative closure, challenging refusal of approval and authorisation, compensation, appeal Administrative Tribunal and Administrative Court of Appeal, summary proceedings, suspension, freedom or provision, public contracts, civil service, right to education, hospital law)
The firm advises employers and foreign employees to succeed and facilitate international recruitment and a peaceful arrival in France.
(talent passport, employee residence permit, seconded employees, researchers, commercial activity, seasonal work)
(visa application, application for a residence permit and work permit, request for an appointment at the prefecture, appeal against OQTFs and IRTFs, family reunification, work for foreigners)
(OFPRA interview, Dublin appeal, withdrawal or suspension of material reception conditions, work of asylum seekers, appeal and preparation for the hearing before the CNDA, obtaining a travel document for refugees or protected persons)
The firm has been committed for several years to the defense of individual freedoms, in France and abroad.
Since 2016, the firm supports and defends
and individuals.
Our difference
You quickly understand all the issues to make the right decision: the firm is trained in clear legal language (Lexclair method), which it has been practicing for several years: you receive the precise information you need, formulated in an accessible way, clear and concise.
No intermediary or change of interlocutor: Alexandre Delavay is your single interlocutor throughout the duration of your file.
To be at your side quickly, the firm will respond to you within 48 hours.
Your case is not just one case among others: it is an important moment in your life or in the life of your business. Alexandre Delavay knows this and it places the humanity of the lawyers' oath at the heart of its activity.
Alexandre Delavay operates exclusively in public law and immigration law: he has developed expertise and in-depth knowledge of these matters.
4 Rue Michel Chasles
75012 PARIS
E-mail : alexandre.delavay@delavay-avocat.fr
Fax. : +
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